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Chemical Compound Review

Potassium acetate     potassium ethanoate

Synonyms: AcOK, KOAc, Kaliumazetat, MeCO2K, AC1LANUH, ...
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High impact information on acetic acid

  • Potassium acetate also induced some proU expression, but other salts were ineffective, thereby ruling out ionic strength as the stimulatory signal [1].
  • Potassium acetate (0.5-1.0 microliter, 0.15 mol/l) injected into the rostral olfactory bulb evoked a negative slow potential wave (amplitude of around 25 mV and duration 30-50 s) propagating at a rate of 3-4 mm/min through all the olfactory bulb layers [2].


  1. In vitro reconstitution of osmoregulated expression of proU of Escherichia coli. Ramirez, R.M., Prince, W.S., Bremer, E., Villarejo, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989) [Pubmed]
  2. Spreading depression in the olfactory bulb of rats: reliable initiation and boundaries of propagation. Amemori, T., Gorelova, N.A., Bures, J. Neuroscience (1987) [Pubmed]
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