Chemical Compound Review:
AC1NSJT2 (2S)-2-methylamino-2-(4...
- Antagonism of the presumed presynaptic action of L-AP4 on GABAergic transmission in the ventrobasal thalamus by the novel mGluR antagonist MPPG. Salt, T.E., Turner, J.P. Neuropharmacology (1996)
- Pharmacological antagonism of the actions of group II and III mGluR agonists in the lateral perforant path of rat hippocampal slices. Bushell, T.J., Jane, D.E., Tse, H.W., Watkins, J.C., Garthwaite, J., Collingridge, G.L. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1996)
- Convulsant and anticonvulsant actions of agonists and antagonists of group III mGluRs. Ghauri, M., Chapman, A.G., Meldrum, B.S. Neuroreport (1996)