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High impact information on Myrtenol

  • This phenomenon was demonstrated by cloning and characterizing a cytochrome P450 gene (Pinene Hydroxylase) that encodes the enzyme catalyzing the C10 hydroxylation of alpha-pinene to myrtenol [1].
  • Methanolic extracts of Myrtus communis leaves from two Italian regions (Calabria and Sardinia) were processed to determine the content of myrtenol, linalool and eucalyptol [2].
  • Blood concentrations of the terpenes myrtenal, myrtenol, pionocarveol, verbenon and terbinhydrate in ozothin were investigated as a function of time after intravenous injection of 10 ml ozothin in 36 subjects [3].


  1. Gain and loss of fruit flavor compounds produced by wild and cultivated strawberry species. Aharoni, A., Giri, A.P., Verstappen, F.W., Bertea, C.M., Sevenier, R., Sun, Z., Jongsma, M.A., Schwab, W., Bouwmeester, H.J. Plant Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Intra-specific biodiversity of Italian myrtle (Myrtus communis) through chemical markers profile and biological activities of leaf methanolic extracts. Sacchetti, G., Muzzoli, M., Statti, G.A., Conforti, F., Bianchi, A., Agrimonti, C., Ballero, M., Poli, F. Nat. Prod. Res. (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. The pharmacokinetics of the bronchosecretolytic ozothin after intravenous injection. Kleinschmidt, J., Römmelt, H., Zuber, A. International journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy, and toxicology. (1985) [Pubmed]
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