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Gene Review

ADCY5  -  adenylate cyclase 5

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AC5, ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 5, Adenylate cyclase type 5, Adenylate cyclase type V, Adenylyl cyclase 5, ...
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High impact information on ADCY5

  • Incubation with the betagamma-subunit sequestrant peptide QEHA decreased cAMP production, as did incubation with inhibitory antibodies against either adenylyl cyclase 2 or adenylyl cyclase 5/6 [1].
  • Our results indicate that, in both glomerulosa and fasciculata zones, adenylyl cyclase 1 was detected in cells at the membrane level, adenylyl cyclases 3 and 2 in both the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane, whereas adenylyl cyclase 5/6 and adenylyl cyclase 4 were found mainly in cytoplasm [1].
  • The levels of expression of each isoform were similar between the two adrenocortical zones, except for adenylyl cyclase 5/6, which had a lower level of expression in the zona fasciculata [1].


  1. Expression and regulation of adenylyl cyclase isoforms in the human adrenal gland. Côté, M., Guillon, G., Payet, M.D., Gallo-Payet, N. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2001) [Pubmed]
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