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Gene Review

unc-84  -  Protein UNC-84

Caenorhabditis elegans

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High impact information on unc-84

  • UNC-83 failed to localize to the nuclear envelope in unc-84 mutants with lesions in the conserved SUN domain of UNC-84, and UNC-83 interacted with the SUN domain of UNC-84 in vitro, suggesting that these two proteins function together during nuclear migration [1].
  • Two nuclear migrations that occur during C. elegans development require the function of the unc-84 gene. unc-84 mutants are also defective in the anchoring of nuclei within the hypodermal syncytium and in the migrations of the two distal tip cells of the gonad [2].
  • UNC-84 is properly expressed in unc-83 and anc-1 lines, which have phenotypes similar to unc-84, suggesting that neither the expression nor nuclear envelope localization of UNC-84 depends on UNC-83 or ANC-1 proteins [3].
  • UNC-84 is not required for centrosome attachment to the nucleus because centrosomes are localized normally in unc-84 hyp7 cells despite a nuclear migration defect [3].

Anatomical context of unc-84

  • Mutations in unc-84, which encodes a conserved component of the nuclear envelope, have been shown to disrupt nuclear migration in two C. elegans tissues [1].


  1. unc-83 encodes a novel component of the nuclear envelope and is essential for proper nuclear migration. Starr, D.A., Hermann, G.J., Malone, C.J., Fixsen, W., Priess, J.R., Horvitz, H.R., Han, M. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. UNC-84 localizes to the nuclear envelope and is required for nuclear migration and anchoring during C. elegans development. Malone, C.J., Fixsen, W.D., Horvitz, H.R., Han, M. Development (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. Lamin-dependent localization of UNC-84, a protein required for nuclear migration in Caenorhabditis elegans. Lee, K.K., Starr, D., Cohen, M., Liu, J., Han, M., Wilson, K.L., Gruenbaum, Y. Mol. Biol. Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
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