Gene Review:
Neu4 - sialidase 4
Mus musculus
N-acetyl-alpha-neuraminidase 4, Neuraminidase 4, Sialidase-4
- The hemagglutinin-esterase of mouse hepatitis virus strain S is a sialate-4-O-acetylesterase. Regl, G., Kaser, A., Iwersen, M., Schmid, H., Kohla, G., Strobl, B., Vilas, U., Schauer, R., Vlasak, R. J. Virol. (1999)
- Identification and expression of Neu4, a novel murine sialidase. Comelli, E.M., Amado, M., Lustig, S.R., Paulson, J.C. Gene (2003)