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Gene Review

Ef1alpha100E  -  Elongation factor 1alpha100E

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG1873, Dmel\CG1873, EF-1, EF-1-alpha-2, EF-1alpha, ...
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High impact information on Ef1alpha100E

  • Crosses between a temperate and a tropical strain (F1, F2 and successive backcrosses) revealed that the Y chromosome was responsible for much of the geographic variation [1].
  • These conclusions suggest that the expression of the EF-1 alpha genes is not associated with the extended longevity phenotype [2].

Other interactions of Ef1alpha100E

  • Our findings from these studies indicate that the F2 mRNA tracks with the extended longevity; however, the F1 mRNA is the major component and, thus, the relative total expression of these genes at the mRNA level is approximately equivalent for all five strains [2].


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