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Gene Review

EEF1A2  -  eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EEF1AL, EF-1-alpha-2, EF1A, Elongation factor 1-alpha 2, Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 A-2, ...
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Disease relevance of EEF1A2


Psychiatry related information on EEF1A2


High impact information on EEF1A2

  • Protein elongation factor EEF1A2 is a putative oncogene in ovarian cancer [1].
  • We have found that EEF1A2, the gene encoding protein elongation factor EEF1A2 (also known as eEF-1 alpha 2), is amplified in 25% of primary ovarian tumors and is highly expressed in approximately 30% of ovarian tumors and established cell lines [1].
  • We have also demonstrated that EEF1A2 has oncogenic properties: it enhances focus formation, allows anchorage-independent growth and decreases the doubling time of rodent fibroblasts [1].
  • Each of these signaling reactions, and also the signaling molecules Vav and HS1, appears to be important for at least some of the many types of B cell responses to antigen [11].
  • Binding of Elongation Factor eEF1A2 to Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase beta Stimulates Lipid Kinase Activity and Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate Generation [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of EEF1A2

  • We found that the bradykinesia in Parkinsonian subjects improved by both levodopa medication and STN stimulation [13].
  • In pathological conditions such as parkinsonism, characterized by the putative increase of the endogenous release of glutamate from subthalamic neurons, the inhibition of high-threshold calcium currents in pallidus might modify the firing pattern of pallidal neurons and partially counteract the excitatory drive from STN [14].
  • We present a case of an individual with juvenile parkinsonism caused by homozygous deletion of exon 3 in the parkin gene with disabling long-term side-effects from levodopa who underwent bilateral STN neuromodulation [15].
  • SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group Specialized Register (July 2005), CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2005, Issue 2), MEDLINE (1966 to July 2002), AGRIS (1975 to July 2005), Science Citation Index (2000 to July 2005), STN SIGLE database (1976 to 2002), and AGRICOLA (19 July 2005) [16].

Biological context of EEF1A2

  • Isolation of overlapping clones from human libraries revealed that the human eEF1A-2 gene spans approximately 10 kb and consists of eight exons [17].
  • Specific inhibition of EEF1A2 and KCIP-1 expression with siRNA in the four cell lines tested suppressed proliferation and induced apoptosis [18].
  • Assignment of human elongation factor 1alpha genes: EEF1A maps to chromosome 6q14 and EEF1A2 to 20q13.3 [19].
  • Resting EE (REE; offdrug/ON stimulation) was significantly decreased in STN-DBS patients, while their daily energy expenditure (DEI) was not significantly different [20].
  • Another gene, SpHS, encodes a protein related to the signal transduction intermediate HS1 of lymphoid cells [21].

Anatomical context of EEF1A2

  • We have mapped the functional EEF1A gene to 6q14 by combined fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and PCR analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel and mapped EEF1A2 to 20q13.3 by FISH [19].
  • Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) revealed that metabolic reductions in the internal globus pallidus (GPi) and caudal midbrain were common to both STN interventions (P < 0.01), although declines in GPi were more pronounced with lesion [5].
  • Also, STN stimulation raised the emotional activation of the anterior cingulate and lowered the activity of the putamen [22].
  • Because the STN has been shown to represent an important relay station not only in motor basal ganglia circuits, the modification of brain areas also involved in non-motor functioning can be expected by this intervention [23].
  • Our findings suggest that STN expression reflects intestinalization of the gastric mucosa, and that a kind of intestinal metaplasia occurs in progressing gastric carcinoma cells [24].

Associations of EEF1A2 with chemical compounds

  • Here, we report that eEF1A2 directly binds to and activates phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III beta (PI4KIIIbeta), an enzyme that converts phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate [12].
  • Therefore, STN-DBS was found to suppress cerebellar hypermetabolism and to partly restore physiologic glucose consumption in limbic and associative projection territories of the basal ganglia [23].
  • We investigated the differential effects of levodopa medication and STN stimulation on finger force control in Parkinson subjects grasping to lift an object and performing vertical point-to-point movements of a hand-held object [13].
  • HS1 isolated from the medium (HS1m) of subconfluent A549 cells was shown to replace dexamethasone in induction experiments with fibroblast-conditioned medium, oncostatin M and interleukin 6 [25].
  • Therefore, our PET data in living parkinsonian humans do not provide evidence for an increased striatal dopamine concentration under effective STN-DBS [26].

Other interactions of EEF1A2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EEF1A2


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  2. Translation elongation factor eEF1A2 is a potential oncoprotein that is overexpressed in two-thirds of breast tumours. Tomlinson, V.A., Newbery, H.J., Wray, N.R., Jackson, J., Larionov, A., Miller, W.R., Dixon, J.M., Abbott, C.M. BMC Cancer (2005) [Pubmed]
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  5. Network modulation by the subthalamic nucleus in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Trost, M., Su, S., Su, P., Yen, R.F., Tseng, H.M., Barnes, A., Ma, Y., Eidelberg, D. Neuroimage (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. Sleep symptoms and polysomnographic architecture in advanced Parkinson's disease after chronic bilateral subthalamic stimulation. Iranzo, A., Valldeoriola, F., Santamaría, J., Tolosa, E., Rumià, J. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (2002) [Pubmed]
  7. Only physical aspects of quality of life are significantly improved by bilateral subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Drapier, S., Raoul, S., Drapier, D., Leray, E., Lallement, F., Rivier, I., Sauleau, P., Lajat, Y., Edan, G., Vérin, M. J. Neurol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  8. Effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on characteristics of EMG activity underlying reaction time in Parkinson's disease. Kumru, H., Summerfield, C., Valldeoriola, F., Valls-Solé, J. Mov. Disord. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Visual hallucinations induced by deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Diederich, N.J., Alesch, F., Goetz, C.G. Clinical neuropharmacology. (2000) [Pubmed]
  10. Effect of motor improvement on quality of life following subthalamic stimulation is mediated by changes in depressive symptomatology. Tröster, A.I., Fields, J.A., Wilkinson, S., Pahwa, R., Koller, W.C., Lyons, K.E. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. (2003) [Pubmed]
  11. The complexity of signaling pathways activated by the BCR. DeFranco, A.L. Curr. Opin. Immunol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  12. Binding of Elongation Factor eEF1A2 to Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase beta Stimulates Lipid Kinase Activity and Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate Generation. Jeganathan, S., Lee, J.M. J. Biol. Chem. (2007) [Pubmed]
  13. The beneficial effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on manipulative finger force control in Parkinson's disease. Nowak, D.A., Topka, H., Tisch, S., Hariz, M., Limousin, P., Rothwell, J.C. Exp. Neurol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  14. Group I mGluRs modulate calcium currents in rat GP: functional implications. Stefani, A., Spadoni, F., Bernardi, G. Synapse (1998) [Pubmed]
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  17. The human elongation factor 1 A-2 gene (EEF1A2): complete sequence and characterization of gene structure and promoter activity. Bischoff, C., Kahns, S., Lund, A., Jørgensen, H.F., Praestegaard, M., Clark, B.F., Leffers, H. Genomics (2000) [Pubmed]
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  19. Assignment of human elongation factor 1alpha genes: EEF1A maps to chromosome 6q14 and EEF1A2 to 20q13.3. Lund, A., Knudsen, S.M., Vissing, H., Clark, B., Tommerup, N. Genomics (1996) [Pubmed]
  20. Parkinson's disease patients with bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation gain weight. Macia, F., Perlemoine, C., Coman, I., Guehl, D., Burbaud, P., Cuny, E., Gin, H., Rigalleau, V., Tison, F. Mov. Disord. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  22. Stimulation of subthalamic nucleus inhibits emotional activation of fusiform gyrus. Geday, J., Ostergaard, K., Gjedde, A. Neuroimage (2006) [Pubmed]
  23. Subthalamic nucleus stimulation restores glucose metabolism in associative and limbic cortices and in cerebellum: evidence from a FDG-PET study in advanced Parkinson's disease. Hilker, R., Voges, J., Weisenbach, S., Kalbe, E., Burghaus, L., Ghaemi, M., Lehrke, R., Koulousakis, A., Herholz, K., Sturm, V., Heiss, W.D. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  26. Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus does not increase the striatal dopamine concentration in parkinsonian humans. Hilker, R., Voges, J., Ghaemi, M., Lehrke, R., Rudolf, J., Koulousakis, A., Herholz, K., Wienhard, K., Sturm, V., Heiss, W.D. Mov. Disord. (2003) [Pubmed]
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