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Gene Review

NUP107  -  nucleoporin 107kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 107 kDa nucleoporin, NUP84, Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107, Nucleoporin Nup107
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High impact information on NUP107

  • Partial in vivo depletion of Nup133 or Nup107 via RNAi in HeLa cells resulted in reduced levels of multiple nucleoporins and decreased NPC density in the NE [1].
  • Purification and sequence analysis revealed that two are the known vertebrate nucleoporins, Nup96 and Nup107, whereas two mapped to ORFs of unknown function [2].
  • We used transfection of HeLa cells with small interfering RNAs to specifically deplete mRNA for Nup107 [3].
  • Depletion of a single nucleoporin, Nup107, prevents the assembly of a subset of nucleoporins into the nuclear pore complex [3].
  • We show that Nup96 and Nup107 are core elements of the NPC proper that are essential for NPC assembly and docking of Nup153 and Tpr to the NPC [4].

Associations of NUP107 with chemical compounds

  • We show that human Nup133 contains two domains: a COOH-terminal domain responsible for its interaction with its subcomplex through Nup107; and an NH2-terminal domain whose crystal structure reveals a seven-bladed beta-propeller [5].


  1. The conserved Nup107-160 complex is critical for nuclear pore complex assembly. Walther, T.C., Alves, A., Pickersgill, H., Loïodice, I., Hetzer, M., Galy, V., Hülsmann, B.B., Köcher, T., Wilm, M., Allen, T., Mattaj, I.W., Doye, V. Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Novel vertebrate nucleoporins Nup133 and Nup160 play a role in mRNA export. Vasu, S., Shah, S., Orjalo, A., Park, M., Fischer, W.H., Forbes, D.J. J. Cell Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Depletion of a single nucleoporin, Nup107, prevents the assembly of a subset of nucleoporins into the nuclear pore complex. Boehmer, T., Enninga, J., Dales, S., Blobel, G., Zhong, H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Nucleoporins as components of the nuclear pore complex core structure and Tpr as the architectural element of the nuclear basket. Krull, S., Thyberg, J., Björkroth, B., Rackwitz, H.R., Cordes, V.C. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Structural and functional analysis of Nup133 domains reveals modular building blocks of the nuclear pore complex. Berke, I.C., Boehmer, T., Blobel, G., Schwartz, T.U. J. Cell Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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