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Gene Review

MOB2  -  Mob2p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: CBK1 kinase activator protein MOB2, MPS1 binder 2, Maintenance of ploidy protein MOB2, YFL034C-B, YFL035C, ...
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High impact information on MOB2

  • We show that Cbk1 kinase and its interacting protein Mob2 regulate this asymmetry by inducing daughter-specific genetic programs [1].
  • Furthermore, nuclear localization of Mob2p and Ace2p does not occur in mob1-77 or cdc14-1 mutants, which are defective in MEN signaling, even when cell cycle arrest is bypassed [2].
  • Both Mob2p and Cbk1p localize interdependently to the bud cortex during polarized growth and to the bud neck and daughter cell nucleus during late mitosis [2].
  • Mob1p contains no known structural motifs; however MOB1 is a member of a conserved gene family and shares sequence similarity with a nonessential yeast gene, MOB2 [3].
  • The Ras/protein kinase A pathway acts in parallel with the Mob2/Cbk1 pathway to effect cell cycle progression and proper bud site selection [4].

Biological context of MOB2


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