Gene Review:
NDST2 - N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan...
Homo sapiens
Bifunctional heparan sulfate N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 2, Glucosaminyl N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 2, HSST2, N-HSST 2, N-heparan sulfate sulfotransferase 2, ...
- Characterization of the N-deacetylase domain from the heparan sulfate N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 2. Duncan, M.B., Liu, M., Fox, C., Liu, J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2006)
- Enzymatically active N-deacetylase/n-sulfotransferase-2 is present in liver but does not contribute to heparan sulfate N-sulfation. Ledin, J., Ringvall, M., Thuveson, M., Eriksson, I., Wil??n, M., Kusche-Gullberg, M., Forsberg, E., Kjell??n, L. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Influence of high glucose concentrations on the expression of glycosaminoglycans and N-deacetylase/N-sulphotransferase mRNA in cultured skin fibroblasts from diabetic patients with or without nephropathy. Yard, B., Feng, Y., Keller, H., Mall, C., van Der Woude, F. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2002)
- Overexpression of different isoforms of glucosaminyl N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase results in distinct heparan sulfate N-sulfation patterns. Pikas, D.S., Eriksson, I., Kjellén, L. Biochemistry (2000)