Gene Review:
csiE - stationary phase inducible protein
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
ECK2532, JW5878, csi-16
- Regulatory characteristics and promoter analysis of csiE, a stationary phase-inducible gene under the control of sigma S and the cAMP-CRP complex in Escherichia coli. Marschall, C., Hengge-Aronis, R. Mol. Microbiol. (1995)
- Phylogenetic analyses and comparative genomics of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and pyridoxal phosphate biosynthesis pathways. Mittenhuber, G. J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2001)
- Characterization of the carbon starvation-inducible and stationary phase-inducible gene slp encoding an outer membrane lipoprotein in Escherichia coli. Alexander, D.M., St John, A.C. Mol. Microbiol. (1994)
- Stationary-phase-inducible "gearbox" promoters: differential effects of katF mutations and role of sigma 70. Bohannon, D.E., Connell, N., Keener, J., Tormo, A., Espinosa-Urgel, M., Zambrano, M.M., Kolter, R. J. Bacteriol. (1991)
- Purification and characterization of a Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 polypeptide structurally similar to the stress-induced Dps/PexB protein of Escherichia coli. Peña, M.M., Burkhart, W., Bullerjahn, G.S. Arch. Microbiol. (1995)
- Identification of yebG as a DNA damage-inducible Escherichia coli gene. Lomba, M.R., Vasconcelos, A.T., Pacheco, A.B., de Almeida, D.F. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (1997)