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Gene Review

stpA  -  DNA binding protein, nucleoid-associated

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK2663, JW2644, hnsB, hsm-3, rsv
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Disease relevance of stpA


High impact information on stpA

  • In an hns mutant E.coli derivative stpA expression is derepressed, suggesting that regulation of the two genes is coupled [3].
  • We have examined the regulation of the stpA gene, which encodes a protein sharing 58% identity with H-NS, by mRNA analysis and by using stpA-lacZ operon fusions [3].
  • This mutation was a base pair change in the stpA structural gene, and the amino acid substitution in the StpA protein altered its turnover properties, suggesting a role for this residue in a cleavage site for proteolysis [4].
  • The stpA gene, which was localized to 60.24 min on the E. coli chromosome, encodes a 15.3-kDa protein [2].

Biological context of stpA


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