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Remote Consultation

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Disease relevance of Remote Consultation


High impact information on Remote Consultation

  • The Cambodia Teleconsultation Programme or Village Leap Programme connects those in need of health care, with those willing to share their medical expertise [2].
  • Preliminary observations suggest that they could increase their glucose testing largely because they were able to transmit the results to the database and receive teleconsultations [3].
  • Therefore, telemedicine in surgery may be advanced by creating surgical networks for teleconsultation and tele-education [4].
  • The ATM backbone network operating at 156 Mbit/s provided sufficient speed for remote consultation [5].
  • One conclusion was that to create joint attention in nurses' teleconsultations with frail elderly people, the limitations in transferring communication cues and the limitations of what the camera can reveal of the general context could, to some extent, be made up for by verbal communication within the triad of participants [6].

Gene context of Remote Consultation

  • The approach is first applied to the teleconsultation service EST in the project ENDOTEL [7].
  • OBJECTIVES: To test the hypotheses that, compared with conventional outpatient consultations, joint teleconsultation (virtual outreach) would incur no increased costs to the NHS, reduce costs to patients, and reduce absences from work by patients and their carers [8].


  1. Protocol-based reasoning in diabetic patient management. Montani, S., Bellazzi, R., Larizza, C., Riva, A., d'Annunzio, G., Fiocchi, S., Lorini, R., Stefanelli, M. International journal of medical informatics. (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. Global health care - bridging the gap. Lugn, N.E. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Integrated regional services: are working process changes desirable and achievable? Harno, K., Grönhagen-Riska, C., Pohjonen, H., Kinnunen, J., Kekomäki, M. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Knowledge and acceptance of telemedicine in surgery: a survey. Demartines, N., Freiermuth, O., Mutter, D., Heberer, M., Harder, F. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. An experimental teleradiology transmission system using a high-speed ATM backbone network. Kato, K., Shimamoto, K., Ishigaki, T., Niimi, R., Ishiguchi, T., Mimura, T., Yamauchi, K., Ikeda, M., Iwata, A. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2000) [Pubmed]
  6. Establishing joint attention in remote talks with the elderly about health: a study of nurses' conversation with elderly persons in teleconsultations. Sävenstedt, S., Zingmark, K., Hydén, L.C., Brulin, C. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. A new approach for integration of telemedicine applications into existing information systems in healthcare. Tobman, M., Nätscher, C., Sussmann, H., Horsch, A. Studies in health technology and informatics. (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. Virtual outreach: economic evaluation of joint teleconsultations for patients referred by their general practitioner for a specialist opinion. Jacklin, P.B., Roberts, J.A., Wallace, P., Haines, A., Harrison, R., Barber, J.A., Thompson, S.G., Lewis, L., Currell, R., Parker, S., Wainwright, P. BMJ (2003) [Pubmed]
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