MeSH Review:
Containment of Biohazards
- Mobilization of the Escherichia coli plasmid ColE1 (colicin E1) and ColE1 vectors used in recombinant DNA experiments. Dougan, G., Crosa, J.H., Falkow, S. J. Infect. Dis. (1978)
- Plant-dependent active biological containment system for recombinant rhizobacteria. van Dillewijn, P., Vílchez, S., Paz, J.A., Ramos, J.L. Environ. Microbiol. (2004)
- Biological containment of genetically modified Lactococcus lactis for intestinal delivery of human interleukin 10. Steidler, L., Neirynck, S., Huyghebaert, N., Snoeck, V., Vermeire, A., Goddeeris, B., Cox, E., Remon, J.P., Remaut, E. Nat. Biotechnol. (2003)
- Development and testing of improved suicide functions for biological containment of bacteria. Knudsen, S., Saadbye, P., Hansen, L.H., Collier, A., Jacobsen, B.L., Schlundt, J., Karlström, O.H. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1995)
- Specific-purpose plasmid cloning vectors. II. Broad host range, high copy number, RSF1010-derived vectors, and a host-vector system for gene cloning in Pseudomonas. Bagdasarian, M., Lurz, R., Rückert, B., Franklin, F.C., Bagdasarian, M.M., Frey, J., Timmis, K.N. Gene (1981)
- Escherichia coli K12 relA strains as safe hosts for expression of recombinant DNA. Schweder, T., Hofmann, K., Hecker, M. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (1995)
- Live genetically modified bacteria as drug delivery tools: at the doorstep of a new pharmacology? Steidler, L. Expert opinion on biological therapy. (2004)