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Diterpenes from the berries of Juniperus excelsa.

From the hexane extract of berries of Juniperus excelsa, one new and four known diterpenes were isolated besides a known sesquiterpene. The structures of the known diterpenes were identified as isopimaric, isocommunic, (-)ent-trans communic and sandracopimaric acids, along with the sesquiterpene 4a-hydroxycedrol and the new compound which was elucidated as 3 alpha-acetoxylabda-8(17),13(16),14-trien-19-oic acid (juniperexcelsic acid). Cytotoxic activity of the hexane extract was investigated against a panel of cell line and found highly active against LNCaP, KB-V (+VLB) and KB-V (-VLB) cell lines. Furthermore, the hexane and methanol extracts, and the new compound were found to be moderately active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.[1]


  1. Diterpenes from the berries of Juniperus excelsa. Topçu, G., Erenler, R., Cakmak, O., Johansson, C.B., Celik, C., Chai, H.B., Pezzuto, J.M. Phytochemistry (1999) [Pubmed]
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