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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Caspase-dependent proteolysis of integral and peripheral proteins of nuclear membranes and nuclear pore complex proteins during apoptosis.

We have studied the fate of the nuclear envelope (NE) in different human cells committed to apoptosis by different chemical agents. Using a battery of antibodies against marker proteins of the three domains of the nuclear envelope, namely lamin B (LB) for the lamina, transmembrane proteins LBR and LAP2 for the inner nuclear membrane, and nucleoporins p62, Nup153 and gp210 for the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), we observed a selective and conserved cleavage of LB, LAP2 and Nup153. In lymphoid cells, the rate of cleavage of these markers was independent of the apoptosis inducing agent, actinomycin D or etoposide, and more rapid than in attached epithelial cells. While lamin B is cleaved by caspase 6, the protease responsible for the cleavage of LAP2 and Nup153 was probably caspase 3, since (1) cleavage of both proteins was specifically prevented by in vivo addition of caspase 3 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO and (2) consensus sites for these caspases are present in both proteins. As LB, LAP2 and Nup153 are exposed at the inner face of the nuclear envelope and all interact with chromatin, we suggest that their cleavage allows both the detachment of NE from chromatin and the clustering of NPCs in the plane of the membrane, two conserved morphological features of apoptosis observed in this study.[1]


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