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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cloning and sequence analysis of the gene encoding Methylophilus methylotrophus cytochrome c", a unique protein with a perpendicular orientation of the histidinyl ligands.

Cytochrome c" from Methylophilus methylotrophus is an unusual monohaem protein that undergoes a major redox-linked spin-state transition: one of the two axial histidines bound to the iron in the oxidised form is detached upon reduction and a proton is taken up. A 3.5-kb DNA fragment, containing the gene encoding cytochrome c" (cycA), has been cloned and sequenced. The cytochrome c" gene codes for a pre-protein with a typical prokaryotic 20-residue signal sequence, suggesting that the protein is synthesised as a precursor which is processed during its secretion into the periplasm. The C-terminus of cytochrome c" has homology with the corresponding region of an oxygen- binding haem protein ( SHP) from phototrophically grown Rhodobacter sphaeroides. SHP is similar in size and in the location of its haem-binding site. Immediately downstream from cytochrome c" a second open reading frame (ORF) codes for a 23-kDa protein with similarity to the cytochrome b-type subunit of Ni-Fe hydrogenase. The possibility of coordinated expression of cycA and this ORF is discussed.[1]


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