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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Intracerebral hemorrhage outcome: apolipoprotein E genotype, hematoma, and edema volumes.

We investigated whether early hematoma or edema volumes could explain the adverse association between APOE epsilon4 and survival in intracerebral hemorrhage. Among 102 patients, epsilon4 carriers had a higher mortality rate than non-epsilon4 carriers (38 versus 24%, p = 0.05). Nonsurvivors had larger hematoma (75.5 cm3 versus 27.1 cm3, p<0.001) and edema volumes (37.5 cm3 versus 17.1 cm3, p<0.01), but these were not associated with epsilon4 after adjusting for race, age, and type of hemorrhage.[1]


  1. Intracerebral hemorrhage outcome: apolipoprotein E genotype, hematoma, and edema volumes. McCarron, M.O., Hoffmann, K.L., DeLong, D.M., Gray, L., Saunders, A.M., Alberts, M.J. Neurology (1999) [Pubmed]
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