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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Molecular and in silico characterization of a promoter module and C/ EBP element that mediate LPS- induced RANTES/CCL5 expression in monocytic cells.

The chemokine RANTES/CCL5 is a proinflammatory agent produced by a variety of tissues in response to specific stimuli. In human monocytes, RANTES/CCL5 transcription is up-regulated rapidly and transiently in response to LPS. We describe here two regions that help control LPS-driven transcription from the human RANTES/CCL5 promoter in monocytic cells. These sites were analyzed by using DNase I footprinting, transient transfection assays, site-directed mutagenesis, and EMSA. RANTES site E (R(E), -125/-99) constitutively binds C/ EBP proteins in monocytic Mono Mac 6 cells. Mutation of region R(E) led to a significant (40%-50%) reduction in LPS-induced promoter reporter activity. Region R(AB) is composed of tandem kB-like elements R(A) and R(B) (-73/-34). These sites working in concert act as an LPS-responsive promoter module. R(A) constitutively binds Sp1, and Rel p50/ p65 following LPS stimulation. Either factor can mediate transcriptional effects at R(A). Induced Rel p50/p50 binding to site R(B) is required for LPS regulation of RANTES/CCL5 transcription. A series of computer models based on the RANTES/CCL5 promoter were generated to represent the organization of these functional elements. The models could identify LPS-regulated promoters in human, other vertebrate, and viral sequences in various databases.[1]


  1. Molecular and in silico characterization of a promoter module and C/EBP element that mediate LPS-induced RANTES/CCL5 expression in monocytic cells. Fessele, S., Boehlk, S., Mojaat, A., Miyamoto, N.G., Werner, T., Nelson, E.L., Schlondorff, D., Nelson, P.J. FASEB J. (2001) [Pubmed]
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