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The Spanish dioxin inventory part I: Incineration as municipal waste management system.

The main objectives of the Spanish dioxin inventory and the incidence of municipal waste incinerators in the PCDD/Fs releases in the period from January 1997-November 1999 are presented. Preliminary data about the stack emission levels, fly ashes and slags as solid residues and the PCDD/Fs input in the USW are also presented to elaborate an initial balance for the incineration sector. A great decrease, from 20 to 1.2 g I-TEQ/y, from incineration gas emissions has been observed since 1996. The preliminary balance in the MWI sector suggests an overall PCDD/Fs destruction. The calculated emission factor, 1.06 microg I-TEQ/Mg, indicates a high quality of the air pollution control systems. The assumption of PCDD/Fs in the USW permits an initial evaluation of other waste management systems.[1]


  1. The Spanish dioxin inventory part I: Incineration as municipal waste management system. Fabrellas, B., Sanz, P., Abad, E., Rivera, J. Chemosphere (2001) [Pubmed]
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