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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effects of monobutyl phthalate on reproductive function in pregnant and pseudopregnant rats.

The effects of monobutyl phthalate (MBuP) on reproductive function were determined in pregnant and pseudopregnant rats. Rats were given MBuP by gastric intubation at 250, 500, 750, or 1000 mg/kg on days 0 to 8 of pregnancy and pregnancy outcome was determined on day 20 of pregnancy. The effects of MBuP on the uterine function, as a cause of early embryonic loss, were also determined in pseudopregnant rats, with an induced decidual cell response. The same doses of MBuP were given to pseudopregnant rats on days 0 to 8 of pseudopregnancy and the uterine weight on day 9 served as an index of uterine decidualization. MBuP at 1000 mg/kg caused significant increases in the incidences of preimplantation loss in females successfully mated and of postimplantation loss in females having implantations. Uterine decidualization in pseudopregnant rats was significantly decreased at 1000 mg/kg. These findings suggest that early embryonic loss due to MBuP is mediated, at least in part, via suppression of uterine decidualization, an impairment of uterine function.[1]


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