The world's first wiki where authorship really matters (Nature Genetics, 2008). Due credit and reputation for authors. Imagine a global collaborative knowledge base for original thoughts. Search thousands of articles and collaborate with scientists around the globe.

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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Alcohol and cardiovascular disease--more than one paradox to consider. Alcohol and hypertension: does it matter? Yes.

Observational studies and clinical experiments solidly establish an empiric relationship between heavy drinking (>/= 3 standard drinks/day) and higher blood pressure. A biologic mechanism for this link remains unclear. It has been difficult to study the incidence of usual hypertension sequelae in alcohol-associated hypertension because of complex interactions of alcohol, hypertension and cardiovascular conditions. Even with these limitations, a causal association is the most likely explanation and control of alcohol intake is probably important in prevention and treatment of hypertension.[1]


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