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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Anticipated diagnosis of left atrial myxoma following histological investigation of limb embolectomy specimens: a report of two cases.

Nonfamilial myxoma occurs as a random event. The tumor is rare and can mimic other diseases. Cardiac myxomas should always be considered as a source of embolization, which need meticulous investigation and prompt indication of surgical resection. Tumors with a villous surface are prone to embolize. We report two cases of cardiac myxoma presenting as acute ischemia of one or two limbs due to embolic phenomena. The patients were females aged 55 and 37 years. Histological study of emboli taken from obstructed limb arteries in the two patients showed a picture indicating systemic embolization of a cardiac myxoma. The embolic tissue fragments showed the gross characteristics (i.e. villous surface) of the cardiac tumor. Further echocardiography and surgical removal confirmed the cardiac myxoma. Immunohistochemical study of embolectomy material disclosed strong reactivity of the tumor cells for calretinin. The histological examination of the embolectomy material can anticipate the cardiac lesion and its gross features. Calretinin is a useful marker in the differential diagnosis of cardiac myxoma with a myxoid thrombus. The necessity of histological examination of the embolectomy material is stressed.[1]


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