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Disease relevance of Embolectomy

  • According to our strategy, 98 patients met the diagnostic criteria of pulmonary embolism: 75 patients (all shock index <1) were treated with heparin alone, 16 (seven had a shock index > or =1) with thrombolysis, four (all shock index > or =1) with catheter fragmentation, and three (all shock index > or =1) with surgical embolectomy [1].
  • For those patients who survive embolectomy, prognosis is most closely correlated with the TNM staging of the primary lung tumor ignoring the tumor embolus [2].
  • Adequate heparin therapy significantly improved results after embolectomy, but had no such effect after surgical treatment of thrombosis [3].
  • PATIENTS/METHODS: Serial sections of thrombi obtained during valve replacement surgery or embolectomy from 22 patients with atrial fibrillation were stained with antibodies against fibrin, integrin beta3, or tissue factor and analyzed with NIH-image [4].
  • The patient underwent brachial artery embolectomy, proximal and distal aneurysm ligation, and placement of a carotid to axillary artery polytef bypass graft [5].

High impact information on Embolectomy

  • Pulmonary embolectomy after intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase [6].
  • Pulmonary embolectomy was done in 0.2% of cases of PE; interruption of the vena cava was done in 4.4% of cases of PE and in 2% of cases of DVT [7].
  • The authors conclude that the keys to successful treatment of ASE include high dose heparin which is maintained through the perioperative period, embolectomy without preoperative angiography, and maintenance of long-term oral anticoagulation [8].
  • Bilateral superficial femoral arteries were deendothelialized with a 2F arterial embolectomy catheter. rTM (145 microg/kg; 2.0 microg/mL in circulation) or Tris-hydrochloride vehicle control was administered intravenously during the procedure, then either discontinued (group A) or administered twice daily for an additional 48 hours (group B) [9].
  • Intra-arterial lignocaine in embolectomy [10].

Biological context of Embolectomy

  • Different treatment strategies, such as i.v. and i.a. fibrinolysis, adjunctive application of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, PTA/stenting and mechanical embolectomy are addressed in detail [11].

Anatomical context of Embolectomy


Associations of Embolectomy with chemical compounds

  • Four weeks after embolectomy, the vessels were perfusion-fixed in situ with 2% glutaraldehyde and were excised [17].
  • Artificial secretions were removed by suction (using 12- or 18-French suction catheters) or by means of a balloon-tipped catheter (6-French Fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter) in 20 experiments performed on five dogs anesthetized with halothane [18].
  • The functional recovery of gas exchange would be signaled by an increase in pulmonary CO2 elimination and decrease in CO2 retention; such data could guide the course of operative embolectomy [19].
  • RESULTS: No significant differences were noted in the contractile response to NE after embolectomy [20].
  • We report two patients in whom subcutaneous lepirudin was used for long term anticoagulation after heart transplant or surgical pulmonary embolectomy because treatment with LMWH or warfarin was contraindicated, unsuccessful, or impractical [21].

Gene context of Embolectomy


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Embolectomy


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