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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Phase-separation inhibitors and prevention of selenite cataract.

The variation of the phase-separation temperature (Tc) was studied in lenses during formation of cataracts induced by a subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite. In normal control animals, the Tc decreased monotonically with increasing age. Approximately 2 days after administration of the selenite the Tc decreased sharply to a minimum, and then at day 4 the Tc increased dramatically toward body temperature. Mature irreversible cataracts formed approximately 6 days after injection of the selenite. Intraperitoneal administration of WR-77913, a phase-separation inhibitor, prevented the abnormal variation of Tc in vivo. When injected into control animals without selenite, WR-77913 produced no abnormal variation in Tc. The results confirm that Tc is a sensitive measure of early changes in the lens and that opacification associated with abnormal variation in Tc can be prevented in vivo by using a phase-separation inhibitor.[1]


  1. Phase-separation inhibitors and prevention of selenite cataract. Clark, J.I., Steele, J.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992) [Pubmed]
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