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Human ETS1 oncoprotein. Purification, isoforms, -SH modification, and DNA sequence-specific binding.

The human ETS1 proto-oncogene proteins have been isolated from the T-cell leukemia line, CEM, by immunoaffinity chromatography and their identity confirmed by NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing. Incubation of CEM cells with N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) indicates that ETS proteins can be modified in their cellular context and that pretreatment of the cells with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) protects ETS1 proteins from TLCK modification. These data show that ETS1 proteins can exist in at least two different states, -SH-available and -SH-protected. Renatured human ETS1 has DNA sequence-specific binding to the PEA3 (CAGGAAGT) motif. The ETS1.PEA3 complex can be observed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). Purified ETS1 retards a band which is exactly the same size as a complex that is retarded from nuclear extracts prepared from CEM cells. Reduced ETS1 is required to form the ETS1.PEA3 complex, however; modification of the ETS1 -SH groups by either NEM or by TLCk does not inhibit formation of the complex. The ETS1.PEA3 complex formed with TLCK-modified ETS1 has a slower mobility than the complex formed with unmodified ETS1. Zone sedimentation analysis of purified ETS1 indicates that it is the monomer of ETS1 which binds to the PEA3 oligonucleotide.[1]


  1. Human ETS1 oncoprotein. Purification, isoforms, -SH modification, and DNA sequence-specific binding. Fisher, R.J., Koizumi, S., Kondoh, A., Mariano, J.M., Mavrothalassitis, G., Bhat, N.K., Papas, T.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1992) [Pubmed]
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