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Effect of information on dental anxiety and behaviour ratings in children.

AIM: To establish the effect of information received about dental care on the anxiety level of the child prior to receiving any form of dental treatment and on their behaviour during dental treatment. METHODS: Eighty-four healthy child patients at their first dental visit, between the ages of 8 and 13 years attending a paediatric dental clinic in Nigeria participated in the study. Information on their dental anxiety level was collected using the Dental Subscale of the Child Fear Survey Schedule. The children were asked to identify their source and type of dental information received. The information given was later categorised into positive or negative for analysis purposes. The children's behaviour during dental treatment was assessed using Venham's clinical ratings of anxiety and cooperative behaviour. The mean dental anxiety scores, as well as the mean Venham behavioural ratings, of those that had received information on dental treatment were compared with those that had never received any information. RESULTS: Previously received information did not appear to have any significant impact on the measures of the dental anxiety level of these children neither was there a statistically significant association between information received and behaviour of the child in the dental chair. CONCLUSION: Past information may play only a minor role in affecting dental anxiety levels and behaviour of the child during dental treatment.[1]


  1. Effect of information on dental anxiety and behaviour ratings in children. Folayan, M.O., Idehen, E.E. European journal of paediatric dentistry : official journal of European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. (2004) [Pubmed]
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