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Dental Care

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Disease relevance of Dental Care


Psychiatry related information on Dental Care

  • CONCLUSIONS: Because adolescents constitute a sizeable proportion of the SCHIP population, states and managed care organizations need to consider ways to increase the participants of adolescent providers and to identify various financial and other incentives to address the serious shortages in mental health services and dental care [6].
  • CONCLUSION: Emergence agitation may be reduced by using 1 to 1.5 microg/kg of fentanyl during induction while maintaining anesthesia by sevoflurane in patients with moderate developmental disabilities undergoing dental care, without causing an increase in postoperative adverse effects and affecting the patient's life quality after discharge [7].

High impact information on Dental Care

  • High exposures to fluoride (F-) may occur in environments rich in F- from natural or industrial sources and from misuse of F--containing dental care products, particularly by children [8].
  • This seems to confirm the role of odors as elicitors of emotional memories and to support the possible influence of eugenol odor on the avoidance behavior of some subjects toward dental care [9].
  • We studied influences of dental care, food and storage on the reproducibility of salivary steroid levels [10].
  • Neither dental care nor intake of bread or milk effected the reproducibility of F, 170HP, and P. Steroid levels decreased significantly in the course of three weeks under different storage conditions (P < 0.001) [10].
  • Correlational analyses supported the construct validity of the OHQOL measure: Men with better OHQOL scores reported less dental pain or discomfort, fewer eating problems, and less problem-based dental care utilization [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dental Care


Biological context of Dental Care


Anatomical context of Dental Care

  • The effect of 2-year chewing-gum use on the caries rates of primary teeth was studied in a combined school and home program in a sample of 510 initially 6-year-old subjects with high caries experience, low availability of fluoride, and difficult access to dental care [16].
  • Osseointegration's documented success allowing bone and mucosal tissue to tolerate a titanium implant has dramatically expanded the possibilities of dental care [17].

Associations of Dental Care with chemical compounds

  • Following interviews on glove-related skin symptoms, 202 subjects, 56 hospital workers at an operating theatre and 146 workers at dental care centres, were skin prick tested with different latex extracts [18].
  • Part 1 of this article discussed the rationale for a thorough occlusal evaluation of all patients requiring dental care [19].
  • Twenty-four month coronal caries incidence: the role of dental care and race [20].
  • Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation in dental care [21].
  • Dental care was more frequent (P < 0.001), and education levels were higher (P = 0.022) in the estrogen group [22].

Gene context of Dental Care

  • Professional dental care is still important for SCN patients, despite treatment with G-CSF and normal ANC levels [23].
  • This study explores public and user views and experiences of NHS and private dental care in the light of these changes [24].
  • Of the 264 dentate subjects, only 25 (9.5%) had no need of dental treatment; 213 (80.7%) required extractions with a mean number per person of 6.3 and the need for conservative dental care was recorded in 154 (58.3%) patients with a mean need for patient of 2 [25].
  • Evaluation of a dental care program for school beginners in a Paris suburb [26].
  • In spite of a marked reduction in caries activity both CBA and CEA indicated that the preventive program was highly uneconomic compared to traditional dental care (3.73/1) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dental Care

  • In addition, dental care has moved from the reactive practices seen in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (such as tooth extractions) to modern proactive solutions dedicated to preserving and restoring teeth (such as tooth brushing, fluoride treatments, and dental fillings) [28].
  • The Norwegian and Icelandic dental care providers chose both oral hygiene education and the use of fluoride as priorities, while most Swedish dental care providers preferred to provide dietary advice and oral hygiene education, and additional fluoride for risk patients [29].
  • The authors measured plasma concentrations of mepivacaine in 36 children from the ages of 2 to 5 years who received dental care under light general anesthesia [30].
  • Because these patients were medically supervised and compliant with cardiac therapy, this study suggests that such patients are not at great risk while receiving local anesthesia with 1:100,000 epinephrine for routine dental care [31].
  • Treatment may include the use of salivary substitutes (Biotene), salivary stimulants such as pilocarpine, ongoing dental care, caries prevention, a review of the current prescription drug regimen and possible elimination of drugs having anticholinergic effects [32].


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