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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Tumor recurrence at thoracostomy tube insertion sites: a report of two pediatric cases.

Recurrence of thoracic malignant tumors at port sites used for thoracoscopic procedures in adults have been described. However, there are no reports of tumor recurrence at thoracostomy tube or thoracoscopic trocar insertion sites after operation for thoracic malignancies in children. The authors report 2 cases of tumor recurrence at thoracostomy tube insertion sites after intraoperative gross spillage of pleuropulmonary blastoma and malignant epithelial thymoma and discuss approaches that may potentially prevent this devastating complication.[1]


  1. Tumor recurrence at thoracostomy tube insertion sites: a report of two pediatric cases. Hayes-Jordan, A.A., Daw, N.C., Furman, W.L., Hoffer, F.A., Shochat, S.J. J. Pediatr. Surg. (2004) [Pubmed]
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