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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Early clinical heterogeneity in choreoacanthocytosis.

BACKGROUND: Choreoacanthocytosis (CHAC) is a slowly progressive multisystem disorder with involuntary movements, cognitive decline, behavioral changes, seizures, and polyneuropathy caused by mutations in the VPS13A gene. OBJECTIVE: To describe the early clinical features and possible genotype-phenotype correlation in CHAC. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case series in a tertiary care center. PATIENTS AND MAIN OUTCOME METHODS: Choreoacanthocytosis was diagnosed in 3 patients of Jewish origin from 3 unrelated families. We reviewed their medical histories and performed molecular analysis by screening all 73 exons of VPS13A. RESULTS: Trichotillomania, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and idiopathic hyperCKemia, in 1 patient each, preceded the development of the full clinical spectrum of CHAC by 2 to 20 years. At diagnosis, 2 patients manifested signs of overt neuromuscular involvement and were homozygous for the 6059delC mutation, whereas 1 patient had only hyporeflexia and was homozygous for the EX23del mutation. Because only 1 of the 2 patients with 6059delC had cardiomyopathy, its relevance to CHAC is unclear. CONCLUSIONS: These findings extend the knowledge of significant early clinical heterogeneity in CHAC and suggest a possible genotype-phenotype correlation. Awareness of the early manifestations may prevent misdiagnosis and enable appropriate genetic counseling.[1]


  1. Early clinical heterogeneity in choreoacanthocytosis. Lossos, A., Dobson-Stone, C., Monaco, A.P., Soffer, D., Rahamim, E., Newman, J.P., Mohiddin, S., Fananapazir, L., Lerer, I., Linetsky, E., Reches, A., Argov, Z., Abramsky, O., Gadoth, N., Sadeh, M., Gomori, J.M., Boher, M., Meiner, V. Arch. Neurol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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