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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The long and winding road from the research laboratory to industrial applications of lactic acid bacteria.

Research innovations are constantly occurring in universities, research institutions and industrial research laboratories. These are reported in the scientific literature and presented to the scientific community in various congresses and symposia as well as through direct contacts and collaborations. Conversion of these research results to industrially useful innovations is, however, considerably more complex than generally appreciated. The long and winding road from the research laboratory to industrial applications will be illustrated with two recent examples from Chr. Hansen A/S: the implementation in industrial scale of a new production technology based on respiration by Lactococcus lactis and the introduction to the market of L. lactis strains constructed using recombinant DNA technology.[1]


  1. The long and winding road from the research laboratory to industrial applications of lactic acid bacteria. Pedersen, M.B., Iversen, S.L., Sørensen, K.I., Johansen, E. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. (2005) [Pubmed]
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