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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Epileptogenesis due to peripheral injury as a cause of focal epilepsy.

PURPOSE: To report three patients in whom focal epilepsy developed shortly after painful soft tissue injuries to their hands. METHODS: Case reports. RESULTS: The attacks started in the injured hand. No evidence was found of an underlying brain lesion by history or from imaging studies. CONCLUSIONS: These cases suggest the possibility that the injuries led to a plastic change in the sensory/motor cortex, leading to increased excitability and ultimately to seizures. This suggests that epileptogenesis can occur in response to painful peripheral stimuli in some individuals.[1]


  1. Epileptogenesis due to peripheral injury as a cause of focal epilepsy. Spiller, A.E., Guberman, A., Bartolomei, F., Zifkin, B., Andermann, F. Epilepsia (2005) [Pubmed]
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