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Neutron diffraction and computer simulation studies of D-xylose.

Neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution (NDIS) experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to examine the pentose D-xylose in aqueous solution. By specifically labeling D-xylose molecules with a deuterium atom at the nonexchangeable hydrogen position on C4, it was possible to extract information about the atomic structuring around just that specific position. The MD simulations were found to give satisfactory agreement with the experimental NDIS results and could be used to help interpret the scattering data in terms of the solvent structuring as well as the intramolecular hydroxyl conformations. Although the experiment is challenging and on the limit of modern instrumentation, it is possible by careful analysis, in conjunction with MD studies, to show that the conformation trans to H4 at 180 degrees is strongly disfavored, in excellent agreement with the MD results. This is the first attempt to use NDIS experiments to determine the rotameric conformation of a hydroxyl group.[1]


  1. Neutron diffraction and computer simulation studies of D-xylose. Mason, P.E., Neilson, G.W., Enderby, J.E., Saboungi, M.L., Brady, J.W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2005) [Pubmed]
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