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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Control of the regioselectivity of sulfonamidyl radical cyclization by vinylic halogen substitution.

The radical cyclization reactions of unsaturated sulfonamides were investigated. The photolysis of N-(4-halo-4-pentenyl)sulfonamides (X = I, Br, or Cl) with (diacetoxyiodo)benzene (DIB) and iodine at room temperature afforded exclusively the corresponding piperidines in 73-98% yield via 6-endo radical cyclization. On the other hand, the reactions of N-(5-halo-4-pentenyl)sulfonamides with DIB/I2 led to the only formation of the pyrrolidine products in 84-99% yield via 5-exo radical cyclization. The vinylic halogen substitution not only successfully inhibits the competing ionic iodocyclization process to allow the radical cyclization to proceed smoothly but also shows a remarkable effect in controlling the regioselectivity of cyclization.[1]


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