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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Prevalence of SLC22A4 1672T and SLC22A5 -207C Combination Defined TC Haplotype in Hungarian Ulcerative Colitis Patients.

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence rate of the haplotype called TC, determined by combination of two functional alleles of OCTN cation transporter genes (SLC22A4 1672T and SLC22A5 -207C combination variants) in ulcerative colitis patients and unrelated healthy controls. The "TC haplotype" has recently been suggested to confer risk for UC. A total of 121 unrelated Hungarian subjects with UC and 110 matched controls were genotyped for the two single nucleotide polymorphisms. The genotypes were determined by using PCR/RFLP assay and direct sequencing. The SLC22A4 1672T allele frequency was 46.7% in the patients with UC and 46.4% in the controls, whereas the SLC22A5 -207C allele occurred in 48.8% of the patients and 51.4% of the controls. The prevalence of the TC haplotype was 19% in the patient group and 22.7% in controls. Since there was no accumulation of the TC haplotype in the patient group, our observation suggests that carrying the TC haplotype is not associated with a higher risk for UC in the Hungarian population.[1]


  1. Prevalence of SLC22A4 1672T and SLC22A5 -207C Combination Defined TC Haplotype in Hungarian Ulcerative Colitis Patients. Magyari, L., Bene, J., Komlósi, K., Talián, G., Faragó, B., Csöngei, V., Járomi, L., Sáfrány, E., Sipeky, C., Lakner, L., Varga, M., Gasztonyi, B., Melegh, B. Pathol. Oncol. Res. (2007) [Pubmed]
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