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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Neurosurgery image manager.

Computer technology has become standard in many areas of medical practice, but computer-assisted instruction has not replaced standard textbooks and didactic lectures. This paper describes the development of a computer image-based educational system designed for neurosurgical instruction. The advantages and applications of this system for both clinical and academic use and the required software and hardware requirements are delineated. This computerized tutorial can organize and manipulate large amounts of data. The Neurosurgery Image Manager system contains an introductory help section, a self-assessment test in neurosurgery, and a data base of images from the video disc "The Slice of Life," produced at the University of Utah. Questions are taken from the Self-Assessment in Neurological Surgery series. Additionally, the system contains a reference index for all material in the tutorial, a scored clinical problems section, and a several hundred word glossary. The system is programmed using the Macintosh Hypercard authoring system. Large data bases can be manipulated and linked with graphics, text, and peripherals. Images are stored using the MacVision II digitizing system. The hardware necessary to operate the system and the method of implementation of Neurosurgery Image Manager are described. The prototype Neurosurgery Image Manager has been accepted by the Joint Committee on Education of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons as one of the computer formats for the next self-assessment tests.[1]


  1. Neurosurgery image manager. Macfarlane, J.R., Heilbrun, M.P., Brown, B., Apfelbaum, R.I. Neurosurgery (1991) [Pubmed]
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