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Self Assessment (Psychology)

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Disease relevance of Self Assessment (Psychology)

  • In a Cox proportional hazards model, the TMX treatment, along with the baseline Okuda's HCC stage, the hepatitis B surface antigen, the portal vein diameter, the carcino embryonic antigen (CEA) and a self-assessment score of quality of life, were covariates predicting survival [1].
  • Patient self-assessment of medical compliance was uniformly high regardless of physician perceptions or treatment results.CONCLUSIONS The durability of medically treating patients with cystinuria is limited with only a small percent able to achieve and maintain the goal of decreasing cystine below the saturation concentration [2].
  • Endpoints include Radiation Therapy Oncology Group acute and late toxicity gradings, Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite self-assessment questionnaires, and proctoscopic examinations with scoring of mucosal damage measured before, during, and after treatment [3].
  • There was a significant improvement in hirsutism at the end of the metformin phase compared with placebo: F-G score 15.8+/-1.4 vs 17.5+/-1.2 (P=0.025) and patient self-assessment 2.4+/-0.1 vs 3.3+/-0.3 (P=0.014) [4].
  • CONCLUSION: Calcipotriol ointment was as effective as betamethasone 17-valerate ointment as measured by the PASI and superior as measured by self-assessment in patients with stable plaque psoriasis [5].

Psychiatry related information on Self Assessment (Psychology)


High impact information on Self Assessment (Psychology)


Chemical compound and disease context of Self Assessment (Psychology)


Biological context of Self Assessment (Psychology)


Gene context of Self Assessment (Psychology)

  • This suggests that generic self-assessment questionnaires are of limited value for detecting the early consequences of COPD [22].
  • The Assessment of Hyperactivity and Attention (AHA): development and preliminary validation of a brief self-assessment of adult ADHD [23].
  • The Communication Self-Assessment Scale for Deaf Adults (CSDA) evaluates difficult communication situations, their importance to the respondent, communication strategies, and communication attitudes [24].
  • Metabolic control and quality-of-life self-assessment in adolescents with IDDM [25].
  • A self-assessment instrument designed for measuring independent mobility in RP patients: generalizability to glaucoma patients [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Self Assessment (Psychology)


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