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German drug monitoring studies with nabumetone.

Although randomised controlled comparative trials concerning the efficacy of the drug tested can produce reliable results in a limited number of selected patient groups, drug monitoring studies involving 10,000 patients or more are the methods of choice to detect rare adverse events. The aim of this drug monitoring study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of dispersible nabumetone tablets. 8865 patients (46.2% male, 53.5% female, mean age 55 years, range 14.95) were involved in the investigation carried out by 1172 general practitioners. The disease indications comprised osteoarthritis (69.8%), soft-tissue rheumatism (11.3%), rheumatoid arthritis (9.9%) and soft tissue injuries (7.7%). Most of the patients (67.3%) received a daily dose of nabumetone 1 g for up to 6 weeks. Efficacy was evaluated at baseline, and after 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks of treatment. With regard to global efficacy, overall improvement (symptoms resolved or markedly improved) was assessed in 82% of the patients. Elimination or at least significant improvement of pain on movement occurred in 95%, pain on pressure in 90% and pain at rest in 89% of the patients with symptoms. In relation to swelling, morning stiffness and joint mobility, elimination or at least significant improvement occurred in 79%, 80% and 82% of patients, respectively. 1846 patients (20.8%) had frequent periods of NSAID-related symptoms before treatment with nabumetone. A total of 1174 adverse events occurred in 850 patients (9.6%), most comprising minor gastrointestinal complaints. Considering that at least 25,000 patients have been documented in 2 German drug monitoring studies, it is therefore unlikely that any unexpected side effects will occur in the future. Consequently, nabumetone can be classified as an effective and safe NSAID.[1]


  1. German drug monitoring studies with nabumetone. Stroehmann, I., Fedder, M., Zeidler, H. Drugs (1990) [Pubmed]
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