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Drug Monitoring

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Disease relevance of Drug Monitoring


Psychiatry related information on Drug Monitoring


High impact information on Drug Monitoring

  • Intoxication due to negative canrenone interference in digoxin drug monitoring [8].
  • Immediate anticonvulsive drug monitoring in management of epilepsy [9].
  • This disposable device for theophylline monitoring, which can be done within 15 min at the patient's side without instruments, is sufficiently accurate to replace laboratory analysis for routine therapeutic drug monitoring [10].
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can detect abnormal plasma levels and is therefore useful in optimizing nelfinavir therapy in HIV-infected children [11].
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring of busulfan and pharmacokinetic dose adjustments appear to be useful in reducing the incidence of VOD in patients receiving this agent [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Drug Monitoring


Biological context of Drug Monitoring


Anatomical context of Drug Monitoring


Associations of Drug Monitoring with chemical compounds

  • While the marked degree of variability observed suggests a potential role for therapeutic drug monitoring in optimizing p.o. methotrexate therapy, the critical time points to monitor, the therapeutic and toxic ranges, and the intrapatient consistency of absorption must be defined before it will be practical and useful [27].
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring may thus play an important role in adjusting the dose and schedule of piritrexim in future trials [28].
  • Guidelines for folate supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with methotrexate: comment on the guidelines for monitoring drug therapy [29].
  • The authors identified bipolar patients using lithium, valproate, and carbamazepine (N = 718) and then examined the patient demographic, diagnostic, and service use variables associated with therapeutic drug monitoring [30].
  • METHOD: The authors prospectively investigated 153 patients with schizophrenia who received clozapine (N = 100) or haloperidol (N = 53) in a drug monitoring program [31].

Gene context of Drug Monitoring

  • In addition, the results indicate that inhibition of P-gp activity in normal tissues by effective modulators, and the physiological and pharmacological consequences of this treatment, cannot be predicted based on plasma drug monitoring alone [32].
  • Patients on everolimus who have problems with absorption, who take concurrent cytochrome P450 inhibitors or inducers, or are noncompliant will attain the greatest benefit from drug monitoring [33].
  • This assay will expedite pharmacokinetic studies and the therapeutic drug monitoring of rofecoxib and possibly other COX-2 inhibitors [34].
  • This study points toward a limited information value of CYP2D6 genotyping in the context of therapeutic drug monitoring of perphenazine [35].
  • Population pharmacokinetic parameters of vancomycin (VCM) in Japanese adult patients infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were estimated using 1253 items of serum concentration data from 190 patients obtained in routine drug monitoring [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Drug Monitoring

  • CONCLUSIONS: Mycophenolic acid AUC(0-12) is predicted by serum albumin and creatinine after kidney transplantation, and the AUC(0-12) may be determined during the early posttransplant period while the patient remains hospitalized with use of a limited sampling strategy to facilitate therapeutic drug monitoring [37].
  • Large interindividual variability in pharmacokinetics after oral administration has been reported; therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring of busulfan may decrease the incidence of drug-related toxicity (for example, hepatic venoocclusive disease) and may also improve therapeutic efficacy [38].
  • During phase I/II clinical trials of sirolimus (rapamycin; SRL), therapeutic drug monitoring was performed with a multistep liquid-liquid extraction of 1-mL aliquots of whole blood followed by reversed-phase HPLC with ultraviolet detection [39].
  • This MEKC method could provide a simple and efficient therapeutic drug monitoring method for antiepileptic drugs, especially in patients treated with a combination of zonisamide and other antiepileptic drugs [40].
  • In conclusion, this new, more rapid and sensitive radioimmunoassay system can be used to measure EPO levels in sera from normal human subjects and patients with several types of anemia, and should also be very useful in therapeutic drug monitoring of patients receiving EPO from various commercial sources [41].


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