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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Paraplegia, syringomyelia tarda and neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder: a triad.

A casually related triad of syringomyelia tarda, postparaplegia with secondary neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder has been presented. The development of neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder has been presented. The development of neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder in 2 of our paraplegic patients prompted us to look for a correlation and/or a common etiology. Paraplegia secondary to spinal cord injury could be causative or at least an associated factor in a delayed proximal syringomyelia. It is the syringomyelia which can lead to the neuropathic arthrosis in the upper extremity, mainly, in the shoulder. There is an interesting pathological association of paraplegia and syringomyelia with neuropathic arthrosis. Earlier awareness of any neurological changes in the upper extremity of the paraplegic patient could point to recognition of syringomyelic process and portend a tendency toward neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder. This would require a high index of suspicion, and subsequently a preventative, protective orthopedic approach to minimize the usual functional deformity that occurs when this neuropathy involves the shoulder.[1]


  1. Paraplegia, syringomyelia tarda and neuropathic arthrosis of the shoulder: a triad. Tully, J.G., Latteri, A. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. (1978) [Pubmed]
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