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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Fatty acid-binding protein expression in the liver: its regulation and relationship to the zonation of fatty acid metabolism.

Liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is expressed in a declining gradient between the portal and central zones of the liver acinus. This paper discusses the results of experimental studies which address the questions: (a) What factors regulate L-FABP expression in liver and produce its acinar gradient? (b) What is the relationship between the acinar gradient of L-FABP and acinar gradients in the transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids? Both high-fat diets and clofibrate-treatment increase L-FABP proportionally at both extremes of the liver acinus and the small intestine, with preservation of the L-FABP gradient in both tissues. Female rats differ from males, however, in showing a greater hepatic abundance of L-FABP which is expressed almost equally throughout the acinus. Dietary studies show that L-FABP is induced with increased fatty acid flux derived from dietary fat but not from de novo hepatic fatty acid synthesis. Studies of the synthesis and utilization of fatty acids by hepatocytes isolated from the periportal and pericentral zones of the liver acinus suggest that the acinar gradient of L-FABP is not associated with differences in the intrinsic capacity of zone 1 and zone 3 hepatocytes to utilize or synthesize fatty acids. In addition, studies of the acinar uptake pattern of a fluorescent fatty acid derivative by isolated perfused livers indicate that the acinar distribution of L-FABP does not determine the pattern of fatty acid uptake in the intact acinus. Rather, the acinar gradient of L-FABP is most likely to represent a response to physiological conditions existing in the intact acinus which may include gradients in the flux of fatty acids, fatty acid metabolites and hormones.[1]


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