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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Studies on myosin light chain phosphorylation in intact platelets, utilizing a cell-penetrating thiol protease inhibitor.

By employing a cell penetrating thiol protease inhibitor, EST: ethyl(+)-(2S,3S)-3-[(S)-3-methyl-1-(3-methylbutylcarbamoyl)buty lcarbamoyl]- 2-oxiranecarboxylate, the role of calpain, a major thiol protease in platelets, on 20K protein ( myosin light chain) phosphorylation was examined in intact human platelets. EST dose-dependently inhibited 20K phosphorylation in platelets stimulated by thrombin, ionomycin or collagen. Phosphopeptides mapping revealed the phosphorylation by these agonists was rendered only by the action of myosin light chain kinase ( MLCK). However, in TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) stimulated platelets, EST did not inhibit 20K phosphorylation which was mediated by the action of C-kinase. [Ca2+]i determined by the use of quin-2 was elevated after the stimulation of thrombin, ionomycin or collagen but not TPA. Thus, it was suggested that calpain enhances MLCK activity on 20K phosphorylation in intact platelets following the stimulation by the agonist which elevates [Ca2+]i.[1]


  1. Studies on myosin light chain phosphorylation in intact platelets, utilizing a cell-penetrating thiol protease inhibitor. Tsujinaka, T., Kajiwara, Y., Kambayashi, J., Sakon, M., Mori, T. Thromb. Res. (1988) [Pubmed]
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