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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

In vitro antigenic modulation of human neuroblastoma cells induced by IFN-gamma, retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP.

Testing with a panel of 26 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) showed the antigenic profile of 13 human neuroblastoma cell lines to be characterized by a generally poor antigenic expression; therefore, Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), dibutyryl cyclic-AMP and retinoic acid were used to analyse the modulation of surface antigenic expression during differentiation. Treatment of neuroblastoma cell lines with IFN-gamma resulted mainly in induction or increase of class-I MHC antigenic expression. Induction of class-II MHC antigens was obtained on only one neuroblastoma cell line out of 13, thus representing an exceptional event. An increase in some other antigens expressed by neuroblastoma cell lines was also observed. In contrast, and in addition to morphological maturation, treatment of these cell lines with the differentiation inducer dibutyryl-cyclic-AMP (dbc-AMP), resulted in general down-modulation of antigenic expression, particularly of neuroblastoma-associated 5A7 or Leu7 antigens. Retinoic acid treatment had no significant effect on MHC antigens, but it decreased expression of 5A7 and Leu7 antigens, and markedly increased the expression of the melanoma-associated antigen Me14-D12. The similarity between the antigenic profile of in vitro differentiated neuroblastoma cells and that of mature ganglioneuroma cells suggests that compounds like cyclic-AMP or retinoic acid are excellent tools for further investigations of the mechanisms of neuroblastoma differentiation and might have important clinical applications.[1]


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