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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cell transformation by pp60c-src mutated in the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain.

We introduced two mutations into the carboxy-terminal regulatory region of chicken pp60c-src. One, F527, replaces tyrosine 527 with phenylalanine. The other, Am517, produces a truncated pp60c-src protein lacking the 17 carboxy-terminal amino acids. Both mutant proteins were phosphorylated at tyrosine 416 in vivo. The specific activity of the Am517 mutant protein kinase was similar to that of wild-type pp60c-src whereas that of the F527 mutant was 5- to 10-fold higher. Both mutant c-src genes induced focus formation on NIH 3T3 cells, but the foci appeared at lower frequency, and were smaller than foci induced by polyoma middle tumor antigen (mT). The wild-type or F527 pp60c-src formed a complex with mT, whereas the Am517 pp60c-src did not. The results suggest that one, inability to phosphorylate tyrosine 527 increases pp60c-src protein kinase activity and transforming ability; two, transformation by mT involves other events besides lack of phosphorylation at tyrosine 527 of pp60c-src; three, activation of the pp60c-src protein kinase may not be required for transformation by the Am517 mutant; and four, the carboxyl terminus of pp60c-src appears to be required for association with mT.[1]


  1. Cell transformation by pp60c-src mutated in the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain. Cartwright, C.A., Eckhart, W., Simon, S., Kaplan, P.L. Cell (1987) [Pubmed]
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