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Genes, src

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Disease relevance of Genes, src


High impact information on Genes, src

  • We examine the interaction between polyoma-virus-encoded middle tumor antigen and the cellular src gene product, pp60c-src, using a series of monoclonal antibodies that recognize mammalian pp60c-src [6].
  • The c-src gene consists of 12 exons; the boundaries of the exons were determined by assuming that the amino acid sequence of its product, pp60c-src, is basically the same as that of pp60v-src [7].
  • Several strains of ASV were compared with respect to these sites, and the sites have been located in relation to deletions frequently observed in the env and src genes of ASV [8].
  • The tyrosine kinasee activity of p60c-src, the protein product of the c-src gene, increases during mitosis; this may be important in initiating at least some of the cellular changes that occur during this phase of the cell cycle [9].
  • The viral src gene is derived from a cellular gene (c-src) which also encodes a 60,000 MW phosphoprotein (pp60c-src) with tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Genes, src


Biological context of Genes, src


Anatomical context of Genes, src


Associations of Genes, src with chemical compounds


Gene context of Genes, src


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Genes, src


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  2. The p21 src genes of Harvey and Kirsten sarcoma viruses originate from divergent members of a family of normal vertebrate genes. Ellis, R.W., Defeo, D., Shih, T.Y., Gonda, M.A., Young, H.A., Tsuchida, N., Lowy, D.R., Scolnick, E.M. Nature (1981) [Pubmed]
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