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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of treatment on Campylobacter pylori in peptic disease: a randomised prospective trial.

This study investigated the effect of colloidal bismuth subcitrate and cimetidine on Campylobacter pylori in peptic disease. In 74% of 135 patients with peptic disease diagnosed at endoscopy C pylori was detected before treatment. Compared with cimetidine, colloidal bismuth subcitrate significantly decreased the incidence of C pylori after six weeks of treatment (p less than 0.001). In the colloidal bismuth subcitrate group, subsequent healing of the lesion was correlated with the clearance of C pylori, unlike in the cimetidine group. C pylori was strongly associated with the presence of histological gastritis, which was decreased by colloidal bismuth subcitrate (p less than 0.001).[1]


  1. Effect of treatment on Campylobacter pylori in peptic disease: a randomised prospective trial. Humphreys, H., Bourke, S., Dooley, C., McKenna, D., Power, B., Keane, C.T., Sweeney, E.C., O'Moráin, C. Gut (1988) [Pubmed]
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