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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Biochemical genetics of the alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes of Escherichia coli K12: genetic characterization and regulatory properties of deletion mutants.

Twenty-eight spontaneous auxotrophic aroP mutants with deletions in the azi--nadC--aroP--aceE--aceF--lpd region of the Escherichia coli K12 chromosome were characterized genetically with respect to various azi, nadC, ace and lpd markers by P1-mediated transduction. One mutant (Kdelta18; aroP--lpddelta) had a deletion which extended through the aceE and aceF genes to end within the lpd gene. The polarity of the ace operon ( aceE to aceF) was confirmed. It was concluded that 10 out of 15 deletions generating a strict requirement for acetate terminated in the aceE gene. Of the ten, three mutants (Kdelta22, Cdelta41 and Cdelta41) synthesized detectable dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (the aceF gene product) and seven were assumed to possess deletions generating polar effects on aceF gene expression. Five deletions appeared to extend into the aceF gene. A further five deletions, which limited the expression of the ace operon without generating an Ace- phenotype or a complete Ace- phenotype, ended closest to the aroP-proximal aceE markers. The opposite ends of all these deletions appeared to terminate before (10), within (2) or extend beyond (9) the nadC gene. There was no obvious correlation between the deletion end-points and the corresponding lipoamide dehydrogenase activities, which ranged from 30 to 95% of parental levels in different deletion strains. The remaining seven deletions simply extended between the aroP and nadC genes (nad--aroPdelta) without affecting expression of the ace operon. Regulation of the synthesis of the pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes was investigated in some of the parental and deletion strains under different physiological conditions including thiamin-deprivation. The results indicate that the syntheses of the two dehydrogenase complexes are independently regulated. Expression of the lpd gene appears to be coupled to complex synthesis but can be dissociated under some conditions. Mechanisms for regulating lpd gene expression are discussed and an autogenous mechanism involving uncomplexed lipoamide dehydrogenase functioning as a negatively acting repressor at the operator site of an independent lpd gene is proposed as the simplest mechanism which is consistent with all available information.[1]


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