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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Definitive radiotherapy in resectable (stage A2 and B) carcinoma of the prostate--results of a nationwide overview.

To evaluate the efficacy of definitive radiotherapy in a population of patients with carcinoma of the prostate who satisfy the customary selection criteria for radical prostatectomy, a nation-wide search was conducted. The assessed population consists of patients with clinical Stage A2 and B carcinoma of the prostate, negative staging lymphadenectomy, negative bone scan, and normal serum acid phosphatase. The search included patients from Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, those participating in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and a broad range of radiotherapy practices surveyed by the PCS (Patterns of Care Study). A total of 209 patients satisfying the selection criteria received definitive radiotherapy during the surveyed period. The end-point of analysis was the time to progression (distant metastases). The results of the analysis indicate a very low (less than 10%) probability of progression within the first 5 years after completion of treatment. Contrary to the recent report from the VA Uro-Oncology Group the study demonstrates a comparable outcome in radiotherapeutically and surgically treated patients.[1]


  1. Definitive radiotherapy in resectable (stage A2 and B) carcinoma of the prostate--results of a nationwide overview. Pilepich, M.V., Bagshaw, M.A., Asbell, S.O., Hanks, G.E., Krall, J.M., Emami, B.N., Bard, R.H. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. (1987) [Pubmed]
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