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A search for radiosensitive mouse mutants by use of the micronucleus technique.

In order to identify radiosensitive mutations in mice, 26 genetically well defined mutations in 26 different combinations of homozygous, hemizygous or heterozygous conditions, together with normal mice and mutagen-sensitive MS/Ae mice were analysed for the induction of micronuclei by X-rays in bone-marrow cells. For each mutant two doses of 0.5 and 1.0 Gy, two sampling times of 18 and 27 h after irradiation and unirradiated controls were studied. Using our criteria, homozygous contrasted allele of steel (Slcon), scabby (scb), viable dominant spotting (Wv), quaking (qk), fidget ( fi) and postaxial hemimelia (px), heterozygous lurcher (Lc), hemizygous gyro ( Gy), the compounds Slcon/grizzle-belly (SlgbH) and Wv/rump-white ( Rw) and MS/Ae mice, were regarded as radiosensitive, with Slcon/Slcon the highest in rank order. Homozygous wabbler-lethal ( wl) and wasted (wst) showed hyposensitivity which for the latter may be connected with enhanced cell killing.[1]


  1. A search for radiosensitive mouse mutants by use of the micronucleus technique. van Buul, P.P., Tuinenburg-Bolraap, A., Searle, A.G., Natarajan, A.T. Mutat. Res. (1987) [Pubmed]
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